CúChulainn Archers Shine in Action-Packed Weekend Across Ireland
Ardee News and Sport – CúChulainn Archers Shine in Action-Packed Weekend Across Ireland

It was a busy weekend for CúChulainn Archers who hit the roads at the weekend with different competitions and events taking place in different places around the country.
Five members of the club competed at the Muckamore Company of Archers UK Record Status Stafford Round. This competition consists of 60 arrows in the morning and another 60 arrows in the afternoon – two separate competitions . The archers can shoot both sessions if they wish, or either one.
Neil Keeble took complete advantage of this type of competition, competing in his usual Barebow Category in the morning session and then changing to Compound in the afternoon! This was a brave move as Neil only started shooting compound two weeks ago. He was happy with his performance but says Barebow is still his favourite!
The results are as follows, Saturday:-Barebow Silver medal,
Neil Keeble, Compound Master Women JoAnn Bell, Gold medal,Compound Master Men, Paul McClelland, Silver medal,Traditional Bow Men, Mark Young, Gold medalBarebow Master Men, Peter Gilmore, 4th placeand Neil Keeble, again, this time with a compound bow in Senior Men Compound, Gold! Well done all.
Sunday and four CúChulainn archers were in competition at the Carrickfergus Archery Club IFAA Double Round, and again did really well with:-Senior Male Compound :-
Alan Convery and Robert Hall tied for first place, and the winner was decided on the basis of the amount of arrows scored in the X ring on the face. This showed that
Alan was the winner and so collected the Gold medal with
Robert taking the Silver medal,
In Master Compound Men, Patrick Fitzpatrick took the Silver medal and
In Barebow Master Men, Gilbert McClelland also took Silver.
Well done, all, and good result for the club.
Also on Sunday, at the other end of the country, two CúChulainn Archers took part in the World Archery Indoor Mailing Match, MAIMM, with Dunbrody Archers in New Ross. This competition consists of three days of competition in a registered club, with three months to complete the days. The club sets three dates inside the three month window for their competitions. It is based on an Honour System, as someone from the club is designated to verify the scores and then mails them off. It is a Global competition and IFAF posts the results online.
Competing for the club and on their second of the three competition days, were Claudia Heinze Banks and Christy Banks. Both were competing in the Barebow Master Category – to the surprize of many as Christy was always a Compound Master archer! When asked about the change of bow style Christy said ‘ I have found a new lease in my archery life and it’s a great buzz’.
They will not know how they did until all three days have been completed.
Finally, also on Sunday, a group of five CúChulainn archers arrived in Portlaoise to be tested for their Coaching Certificates in Irish Field Archery. All are already qualified to coach in Archery Ireland but decided that they should also try to gain their qualifications in Field Archery. A long day of written and practical examination followed and, happily all passed and are now qualified in both disciplines. Congratulations to Éamonn Rogers, Adria Quinn, Ciarán Flanagan, Shay Barry and Niall Bradley.CúChulainn Archers hold beginner classes throughout the year. Enquiries to cuchulainnarchers@hotmail.com