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Gardaí Resume Extensive Search in Drogheda in Kyran Durnin Murder Inquiry

Gardaí Search Drogheda House in Ongoing Kyran Durnin Murder Investigation

Gardaí Search Drogheda House in Ongoing Kyran Durnin Murder Investigation
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Ardee News and Sport Gardaí Search Drogheda House in Ongoing Kyran Durnin Murder Investigation

Gardaí investigating the disappearance and murder of Kyran Durnin have begun a forensic search of a house in Drogheda this morning as part of their ongoing investigation.

The property will undergo technical and forensic examinations as authorities continue efforts to determine what happened to Kyran and locate his remains.

A Garda spokesperson stated:

“The purpose of the search is to discover any evidence which might provide us with information as to Kyran’s current whereabouts or what has happened to Kyran.”

Kyran, who would now be eight years old, was reported missing by his grandmother on August 30, 2023. Investigators later confirmed that he had been taken out of his school in Dundalk at the end of May 2022, when he was just six years old, and has not been seen alive since.

Misinformation Warning

Gardaí have also addressed misinformation and speculation surrounding the case, urging the public to be mindful of unverified theories and rumours.

“An Garda Síochána is aware of ongoing extensive public commentary on this investigation, including speculation, rumours, and theories on what may have happened to Kyran, most of which is inaccurate and misinformed. Such ill-informed public commentary is not only disruptive to the Garda investigation but also adds to the trauma experienced by victims’ families,” the statement read.

Authorities continue to appeal to the public for any information that could assist in their inquiries, no matter how small it may seem.

Anyone with relevant information is urged to contact:

📍 Drogheda Garda Station – (041) 987 4200

📍 Garda Confidential Line – (1800) 666 111

📍 Any Garda Station

The investigation remains ongoing.